Massage Therapy

Our massage therapy isn’t your typical relaxing massage – it’s a specialized level of certification that delivers expert care to your body. While we highly advocate for regular massages, our focus lies in offering specialty massages exclusively. If you’re seeking a standard relaxation massage, we’re delighted to refer you to one of our trusted massage partners who excel in that area.

At present, massage therapy services are exclusively available to patients undergoing acupuncture treatments at Blue Meridian.

Massage Therapy Options Available

Craniosacral Massage: This gentle technique aims to align the cerebrospinal fluid within the cranial bones and throughout the body. Ideal for addressing anxiety, brain tumors, and related disorders.

Neuromuscular Massage: A specialized medical massage targeting specific pain sites. Particularly beneficial for patients experience heightened pain levels, neuromuscular massage aids in reducing inflammation.

Benefits of Massage:

    1. Relaxation and stress reduction
    2. Relief from muscle tension and stiffness
    3. Improved circulation and lymphatic flow
    4. Pain relief and management
    5. Enhanced flexibility and range of motion
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